Little Gestalten
You and Me and Everybody Else
You and Me and Everybody Else
Little Wares brick & mortar shop
8117 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia PA 19118
United States
This charming picture book builds bridges between You and Me and Everybody Else. Everybody feels the same, sometimes. Our wishes, dreams, thoughts, and feelings are personal to us but all experienced by others. Guided by a friendly page-hopping cat, You and Me and Everybody Else tackles an adult topic in a sympathetic manner, encouraging empathy and self-reflection.
Marcos Farina's You and Me and Everyone Else shows what connects people - no matter where they come from or how they look. From sleeping and eating, to playing and laughing to fear and happiness: Many everyday things and emotions are shared by all people, depending on their origin. The one with graphic drawings in retro style picture book promotes empathy, stimulates the imagination and builds prejudices from.
Little Wares Thoughts: It's our job as grown-ups to normalize emotions and feelings for our little ones. The more you can talk about them, help your little one identify them in others and in themselves, the more emotionally intelligent and regulated your little one will become. We love this book for that reason.