Little Gestalten
Who Invented This? Smart People and Their Bright Ideas
Who Invented This? Smart People and Their Bright Ideas
Little Wares brick & mortar shop
8117 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia PA 19118
United States
Who invented the car, different types of vaccinations, the light bulb or the microwave? The things we are surrounded by didn't just appear out of nowhere, they were conceived by talented inventors, scientists, and engineers. While some inventions were the result of teamwork and a long time in the lab, some inventions just happened to be made by accident or by looking for something else.
Unravel how classic inventions and creators paved the way for the modern tools and technology we have today. Heureka! is a visual journey for children that shows how the groundbreaking masters from the past connect with the technology, culture, and medicine of today.
Little Wares Thoughts: This 96 page wonder if full of amazing stories about how so many of the things that impact our daily lives came into existence! Targeted for 8-12 year olds, this can absolutely be enjoyed by younger ones in bit size chunks with the help of a grown up.