Little Wares
The Knight School: Chess Club at Little Wares
The Knight School: Chess Club at Little Wares
Little Wares brick & mortar shop
8117 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia PA 19118
United States
Have an elementary aged child who knows chess basics but wants to continue to hone their skills? We’re so excited to offer chess club by The Knight School here at Little Wares!
Our first session will begin on Thursday, Feb. 20th at 3:30. Classes are one hour long. Children will be under the supervision of the shop owner/employee & instructor at all times. All chess instructors are up to date on all background checks & child abuse clearances.
Sessions are in 6-week chunks and cost $210 per child per session.
This class is for beginners who already know how to play and are looking to improve their game! If you have a child who does not yet know how to play chess, please stay tuned for future sessions for learning to play.
Please feel free to email us with any questions!